Finding the perfect land for sale has never been faster! Waiting for the paperboy or postman to bring ads with new land listings is no longer needed. When you subscribe to, you will receive notifications from participating agents and brokers via text message or email instantly when land for sale, rent or auction goes on the market.

Subscribers receive land listings that fit specific criteria based on options that are determined when signing up. Subscribers get to select if they want to see land listings for sale, for rent, or auction; choose the amount of land they are interested in; and what counties they would like for the location of the property. LandAlert will filter the land listings and subscribers will only be notified of the listings that match their criteria as specified.

For listing agents or land brokers to blast a land alert, they will be required to specify location information. This will include the section-township-range identifier, county, and state in which the land is located. A size range will categorize land listings based on the number of acres. Agents and brokers will also need to include if the property is for sale, rent or auction, contact information and a link to view the listing on the agency or broker’s website. has Land for Sale

Whether it is hunting land, pastureland or farmland that is needed, LandAlert can help connect buyers and sellers like never before. Subscribe TODAY to find the perfect piece of land before it is gone!