Finding land for sale, rent or auction is now faster than ever with LandAlert!

Receive instant notifications of land for sale, rent, or auction from participating land brokers and real estate agents via text message or email immediately when land comes on the market. All you have to do is subscribe to There is no commitment and no contract involved, and you are free to cancel at any time by simply unsubscribing.

Subscribers receive land listings that meet specific conditions based on options that are decided at sign up. Subscribers get to pick if they want to see listings for sale, for rent, or for auction; determining the amount of land they are interested in; as well as identifying a specific area where the land is located. LandAlert will filter the land listing and subscribers will see only the items that match the land listing subscription criteria.

When participating real estate agents and land brokers send a blast through LandAlert, they will be required to specify location information. This will include the section-township-range identifier, county, and state the land is located in. A size range will categorize land listings based on the number of acres. Listing agents and brokers will label if the property is for sale, rent or auction, as well as their contact information and a link to view the listing on the agency or broker’s website.

LandAlert has Land for Sale, Rent & Auction

Whether the property is a small acreage, cropland, or ranch land; LandAlert will help connect buyers and sellers instantly. Subscribe for FREE to find the perfect piece of land before it is gone!